Golden Record Project
Example 1: A lone heart monitor – then suddenly the sounds of a baby crying implying birth. A mother and father’s laughter of joy as they get to hold their child for the first time. 

Example 2: NYC Times Square at a super busy time, sounds of cars going by, horns honking, people shouting over each other and talking amongst themselves, music playing from shops all around, expressing the “busy” of life. 

Example 3: A calm light rain in the rainforest, birds chirping and various nature sounds but nothing too loud or ecstatic – try and create a feeling of relaxation and peace


The miracle of birth is an amazing thing that not everybody gets to experience – yet hearing it you know what’s going on and it can still be so powerful. Having only three examples to go with, I thought an amazing way to start the record off would be to show how we all started off our lives. 


Anxiety inducing maybe, yet still an effective way to express how- even if we don’t experience it- we all feel sometimes. The busy sounds can imply a rushed feeling and express the day to day business that goes on on our planet, and also implies a good metaphor for how we can all feel a little crammed or rushed sometimes. 


The sounds of light rain and light bird chirps typically tend to be relaxing to the human ear. After what was just played I thought the best way to close it off would be with some relaxing sounds to hopefully induce calmness and express a moment of relief. Almost like a weight has been lifted off your chest.